The mistle thrush nest I discovered 3 weeks ago has chicks and this one, at least I think its a chick, is considerably larger and more bold than the other two. I think its nearly ready to leave? But am I mistaken and its actually the adult sitting tight? I realise there are some whispy patches of downy feathers on its head but could they have just come from the other chicks and stuck on? Chick or adult?
This evening was very reminiscent of when the American Black Tern was at the Mere - nice sunny evening, mandarin ducks, lots of birders, and being desperately unable to get decent photos!
I've seen this fox a few times recently in the fields adjacent to Eccleston Mere...
Damian P
Mistle thrush on nest
I know its not got feathers but does anyone know what this is? Found on Billinge hill last Thursday, I think its some kind of beetle. It was about 1" in length and 1/2" width, iridescent blue/black and with antennae that resembled beads on a string. I don't have a macro lens so it was the best I could do.